Are you deliberating which crops to plant in South Africa? Yellow Maize is a staple crop and valuable commodity in this region. When it comes to maize cultivation, using quality seeds are essential to ensure a high percentage of germination, as well as hardy, healthy plants. United Seeds, a renowned seed provider in South Africa, offers a range of yellow maize seeds that can help you achieve success in your farming venture. In this article, we will explore the benefits of planting yellow maize, essential steps to get you started and diseases and pests that may crop up and hamper your success.

What is Yellow maize?

Yellow maize, also known as yellow corn, is a variety of maize (Zea mays) characterised by its bright yellow kernels. In South Africa, this maize is widely cultivated for its uses as staple food, animal feed, agricultural, and industrial uses.

In what regions of South Africa can I grow yellow maize?

Yellow corn is grown throughout the country and is very popular in the Free State, Mpumalanga, North West, Gauteng and parts of KwaZulu Natal as these regions are in a summer rainfall region and the soil conditions are favourable. The best way to ensure that you have a high-quality, high-yield crop is to make sure you choose the correct variety that will adapt to the conditions on your farm.

How do I choose which variation of yellow corn to plant?

United Seeds has a reputation for providing high-quality, genetically superior maize seeds. One prime example of their plant offering is the US9610 hybrid yellow maize. They have made absolutely sure that their seeds lead to healthy plants that have a great recovery after unfavourable climate conditions such as drought and heat. This is absolutely important to take into consideration as we are entering an El Nino cycle meaning that there is a higher chance of drought and heat waves expected in South Africa.

This corn variation has been extensively tested on the market for 11 years and has a flowering time of 60-75 days. This maize variety is ready for silage harvesting in a hundred days and reaches physiological maturity in one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and thirty days. The plant height averages from two to two and a half meters and produces about 2 cobs per plant.

How many plants can you plant per hectare?

In dryland conditions where your field receives about four hundred and fifty to seven hundred and fifty millimetres of rain per season, you can work on about eighteen thousand to thirty thousand plants per hectare.

In high rainfall regions that receive about seven hundred and fifty to on thousand two hundred millimetres per season you can work on around thirty thousand to forty-five thousand plants per hectare.

On irrigated land where the rainfall is more than one thousand two hundred millimetres, you can plant up to fifty-five thousand plants and you can plant up to seventy thousand plants in a silage irrigated hectare.

Diseases that may affect your yellow maize crop

This yellow corn variety has a great disease tolerance against white a brown rust which are common diseases found on yellow corn. It also has a good tolerance against Grey Leaf Spot, Fusarium, Diplodia, and Northern leaf blight and a medium tolerance against Streak Virus.

How to get started – planting your first yellow maize crop.

The number one tip is to select the correct seed variety. Choose the yellow maize variety that suits your local climate and soil conditions from United Seeds on the AgMarket online platform.

Prepare your soil by ensuring the soil is well-drained, has adequate nutrients and is free from weeds. Propper soil preparation is essential for a successful crop. You can test your soil for the moisture content and available nutrients. A good practice is to mulch your fields with organic materials to lessen the amount of weeds growing through, thus giving your crop a better chance of growing. Mulching can also assist with keeping your soil moisture in dryer conditions.

Maize is typically planted in rows to facilitate the proper spacing and easier maintenance, as well as ease of access when harvesting. You will need to follow the recommended planting depth and spacing for your selected maize variety. This is absolutely important to ensure that the seeds have the best possible chance of germination.

Once your plants are growing, you need to scout through the field to make sure that you catch any diseases or pests before they become a problem.

Consult with agricultural experts to create a tailored fertilization plan to add the right type and amount of fertilisers at different stages of the growth of your plants.

When to harvest and store your yellow corn.

You will be harvesting your yellow maize approximately one hundred days after planting. You should only harvest your grain when moisture levels are low enough and the crop is fully matured. The kernel of the corn should have a moisture level of below 14%. The reason for this is that maize that has a higher moisture content when stored can cause mycotoxins, which have serious effects on human and animal health. It is imperative to make sure your grain harvest and transport machinery is clean, dry and free of insects, soil and fungal growth.

Storage of your grain is also a very important aspect as you can either sell your product immediately or store it until the pricing is more favourable. The storage area should be dry and well-ventilated. Don’t pile the harvest in large heaps and go through the product to remove any debris or damaged corn.

Grading yellow maize for sale is essential to determine its quality and value in the market. There are several factors in the grade, including proper cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest handling. The grading process typically considers aspects such as moisture content, kernel quality and freedom from contaminants.

Your maize should be pure and uniform in colour with minimal variation in kernel size and shape.

You can take your grain to your closest silo for moisture testing as well to ensure you sell your harvest at the correct moisture level.

Yellow maize is a crucial crop in South Africa, serving as a staple food and livestock feed. The versatility and importance of yellow maize make it a key component of South Africa’s agricultural and economic landscape. Planting yellow maize from United Seeds is a strategic move for entering the agricultural market. With the right seeds, proper management practices, and vigilance against pests and diseases, you can maximize your yield and enjoy a profitable harvest.

Start your journey into the South African maize market with the confidence that United Seed’s quality seeds offer – now more easily available for sale at the AgMarket online marketplace. They also have a range of other maize seeds available, as well as soybean seeds. Get your seeds delivered straight to your farm.



Department of Agriculture