Taktic® Cattle Spray: The ultimate tick solution for South African Farmers

With the approach of spring and summer, the tick season has started again and protecting your livestock from ticks and their accompanying diseases is of utmost importance for our farmers. In this article, we will be unpacking the uses, benefits and things to look out for when using Taktic® Cattle Spray.

Taktic® Cattle Spray is formulated for external use on a variety of animals and livestock such as cattle, sheep, ostriches, goats, pigs and even dogs.  Another use is as a control for the Varroa Destructor mite in beekeeping. The active ingredient is amitraz, a broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide. It can be used in the treatment of ticks, mange mites, lice and even keds in sheep including the trouble some sheep scab mites.

Animals you should not use Taktic® Cattle Spray on:

Taktic is not recommended for use in horses, cats and small-breed dogs. This product should also not be used on diabetic animals because it adversely affects glucose and insulin levels for a short while.

How does it work?

Taktic® Cattle Spray has an interaction with the octopamine receptors of the central nervous system and it inhibits monoamine, oxidases and prostaglandin synthesis in the tick. In layman's terms, it leads to over-excitation, paralysis and death in insects. It causes rapid detachment of ticks from animals and can stop parasites from re-infesting for about 29 days.

What are the benefits of using Taktic® Cattle Spray on animals?

In a recent Australian study, multiple dips and products were tested for the cattle export market and it became apparent that, for at least some of the preparations trialled, there was an urgent need for additional withholding periods to export market requirements.  For this preparation, the residual concentrations of chemicals in the fat of all the trial cattle during the final sampling period exceeded the US tolerance of 0.01mg/kg. This means residual chemicals were still present in the fat of the export animals after several days of treatment or dip. Taktic, however, was found to have no significant residues and therefore was safe to use on export cattle.

Taktic® Cattle Spray is effective against a wide range of ticks, mites and lice.

It is only active in the body for a short amount of time and the effects against ticks, mites and lice last for about a month.

Concentration and user instructions:

Ticks on Cattle
Application – Only for use by spraying (hand spraying or spray races).
Initial dilution rate – 1 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 500 ℓ water. Pre-mix the required amount of Taktic® Cattle Spray with a suitable amount of water in a container. Once mixed thoroughly, add to the measured bulk water in the spray sump and stir thoroughly.
Replenishment – It is recommended that not more than 500 head of cattle be sprayed in the spray race at one time, especially where fouling is a problem. If however, this figure is exceeded, boosting at a rate of 100 mℓ of Taktic® Cattle Spray per 100 head, commencing at 500 head, can be undertaken to maintain a satisfactory deposit of active ingredient especially where tick-borne diseases are a problem.
Intensive tick control is provided by use as directed at weekly intervals.
All animals should be treated and interruption of the programme should be avoided as they will then, if not vaccinated, be susceptible to various tick-borne diseases.
Under circumstances of low tick challenge, it may be used, at the user’s discretion, at intervals greater than 7 days. In these circumstances, users are advised to make use of relevant vaccines to obtain optimal protection of their cattle against prevalent tick-borne diseases.

Treatment of sheep scab mites
Note: When treating an outbreak of sheep scab mites, it is essential that:

All sheep on the farm are correctly treated and marked after treatment.

All animals must be checked 7 to 10 days after treatment and any animals not marked must be treated. Sheep scab is a notifiable disease, contact the State Veterinarian.
Application – For plunge dips and continuous replenishment showers only.
Initial dilution rate – 1 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 250 ℓ of water.
Topping up – As this dip wash does strip, top up after dip or sump falls by 20 % of the initial volume. Replenish at 1,5 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 250 ℓ of water added.
Dip the animal long enough to ensure that the animal is properly soaked and that its head is submerged at least 3 times.
Only a once-off treatment is necessary for the treatment of sheep scab mites.


Sheep lice, itch mites and keds

Taktic® Cattle Spray can be used 60 days before shearing as it has a degradation time of 35 to 45 days after which wool residues will no longer be a concern.
Application – For plunge dips and continuous replenishment showers only.
Initial dilution rate – 1 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 500 ℓ of water.
Topping up – As this dip wash does strip, top up after dip or sump falls by 25 % of the initial volume. Replenish at 1,5 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 500 ℓ of water added.
Two dippings, 14 days apart, are necessary for the treatment of lice on sheep, itch mites and keds.
Prevention of lumpy wool – Add 1 kg zinc sulphate crystals to 400 ℓ dip wash.


Application – Spray formulation.
Dilution rate – 1-part Taktic® Cattle Spray in 1 000 parts of water.
Spray birds until run off. Use at least 5 ℓ of the prepared dip per bird.

Goat mange mites
Application – For plunge dips and continuous replenishment showers only.
Initial dilution rate – 1 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 250 ℓ water.
Topping up – As this dip wash does strip, top up after dip or sump falls by 20 % of the initial volume. Replenish at 1,5 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 250 ℓ of water added.
Only a once-off treatment is necessary for the treatment of goat mange mites.

Goat Lice
Application – For plunge dips and continuous replenishment showers only.
Initial dilution rate – 1 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 500 ℓ water.
Topping up – As this dip wash does strip, top up after dip or sump falls by 25 % of the initial volume. Replenish at 1,5 ℓ Taktic® Cattle Spray per 500 ℓ of water added. 
Two dippings, 14 days apart, are necessary for the treatment of lice on goats.

For the eradication and control of red lice on goats, Taktic® Cattle Spray can be used simultaneously (in dip tank mixing) with Fleececare® (G1743 Act 36/1947, Namibia V93/18.3.8/515 NS0) as a once off treatment. The following dilution table must be used:

Is Taktic poisonous or toxic to humans and animals?

As an insecticide, it is one of the lesser toxic products available on the market as it is much less toxic to mammals than lice, mites and ticks. It can however cause poisoning in animals and humans when ingested, inhaled or after skin exposure, but the effects of Amitraz wear off within 24 hours.

As with most insecticides and poisons used in agriculture, it is important to take precautions to ensure the safety of both the animal and the user.

Wear protective gear, including a mask, rubber gloves, boots and a waterproof coat when mixing the dip and handling the treated animals. As with any chemical substance, it is important to use the suggested mix ratios and dosages as suggested on the packaging for the animal you are dealing with.

Taktic® Cattle Spray is a versatile and effective solution for South African farmers in the battle against external parasites. It provides a wide range of benefits, from tick control on cattle to managing lice and mites on various livestock species. By following the provided directions and safety precautions, you can ensure the health and well-being of your animals on the farm.





