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Paraquat 200 SL Herbicide 5LT Weed Killer

Paraquat 200 SL Herbicide 5LT Weed Killer
-5 %
Paraquat 200 SL Herbicide 5LT Weed Killer
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Weight: 5.00kg
  • Dimensions: 30.00cm x 30.00cm x 30.00cm
  • Product Code: PARAQUAT-200-SL-5LTX
  • Sold by: Turfmaster
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R 653.20
R 686.00
Ex Vat: R 568.00

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Paraquat 200 SL 5LT Herbicide in the form of a solution for the control of annual grasses


Paraquat 200 SL Herbicide is a solution for controlling annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in crops as listed and for fire breaks. Inactive on contact with the soil.

HRAC Herbicide Group Code: D.

Active Ingredient:

  • Paraquat ion (bypiridyl) / Parakwat ioon (bipiridiel) 200 g/l,
  • (as dichloride salt / as dichloriedsout 276 g/l).

Co. Reg. No./Mpy. Reg. Nr.: 2013/043963/07

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.

• Mix the required amount of PARAQUAT 200 SL with clean water in the spray tank.
• Add a non-ionic wetting agent for best results at 3 times the rate advised on the label for fungicides.
• Apply by ground sprayers in 200 to 500 liters of water per hectare.
• Use the higher spray volume and higher dosage rate for spraying dense weed growth.
• Ensure thorough wetting of the weeds.
• Do not spray buds or green parts of any crop.
• PARAQUAT 200 SL kills green tissue but does not harm mature bark.
• Paraquat is inactivated rapidly on contact with the soil and has therefore no residual action.


VINEYARDS: 2,5 to 5 ℓ/ha Apply overall when weeds are 10 to 15 cm high before the bud burst
of the vines. Subsequently as a directed spray.

DECIDUOUS FRUIT: 2,5 to 5 ℓ/ha Spray as necessary from spring onwards.
Pome fruit only: Mix with SIMAZINE for residual effect.

CITRUS, AVOCADOS, PECANS & PAPAYAS: 1,25 to 5 ℓ/ha In citrus only, PARAQUAT 200 SL can be mixed with a suitable
residual herbicide.

BANANAS, TEA & COFFEE: 1,25 to 2,5 ℓ/ha Apply through a low-pressure flood jet nozzle.

SUGAR CANE: 1,5 to 3 ℓ/ha
Directed post-emergence in plant and ratoon cane. Should the spray come into contact with green cane leaves scorching will
occur but this is only a temporary effect. Other suitable herbicides may be added for residual effect.

LUCERNE (Over 6 months old): 2,5 to 5,5 ℓ/ha Apply just before dormancy breaks or after cutting before regrowth
of lucerne occurs.

VEGETABLES: (Grown in rows) 1,25 to 2,5 ℓ/ha Use a knapsack sprayer with a suitable shield to protect all parts of
the crops from spray mist.

ALL CROPS: Stale seedbed method 1,25 to 2,0 ℓ/ha Prepare the seedbed with fertilizer, irrigate, and let the weeds come
up to cover the surface. Spray and sow within 3 days without reworking the seedbed. This method is especially useful for crops
for which only a few herbicides have been registered e.g. lettuce, chicory, and cucurbits. These may be sown a few days before spraying.

MINIMUM CULTIVATION: 1,5 to 4 ℓ/ha Apply before or just after planting annual crops. May be mixed with a corresponding residual herbicide.
POTATOES (Haulm destruction): 2,5 to 5 ℓ/ha
Use 200 to 500 liters of water per hectare. Do not apply if haulms show signs of wilting as tuber damage may occur. Spray ONLY when at least 5 hours of intensive sunshine are expected to follow.


Young weeds: 2,5 ℓ/ha Use 500 to 1 000 liters spray mixture per hectare depending on
the density of vegetation.
Mature weeds: 5 ℓ/ha Use 500 to 1 000 liters spray mixture per hectare depending on
the density of vegetation.

FIRE BREAKS:  2,5 to 3,75 ℓ/ha
Two months before the onset of the fire season:
Spray a 1 to 2-meter wide band (the sparser the vegetation, the wider the band) on both sides of a 5 to 12-meter wide untreated strip (or about 10 meters from a road or canal).
Burn the sprayed bands 3 weeks later, while the unsprayed areas are still green and unburnable.
The strip in between can be burned relatively safely after the first frost or drought when the vegetation in the strip has dried out.

AFFORESTATION: 2,5 to 3,75 ℓ/ha Spray around young trees with a shield to protect the plant

All above-ground green tissue of actively growing plants is killed off by PARAQUAT 200 SL.
Annual weeds are well controlled.
Weeds with reserves stored underground recover eg. sedges, bulbs, Karoo daisy, oxalis, kikuyu, etc.

Onkruiddoder in die vorm van ‘n oplossing, vir die beheer van eenjarige grasse en breëblaaronkruide in
gewasse soos aangedui en vir brandbane. Onaktief na aanraking met grond.

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